

1. Who is responsible for data processing?
2. What is the legitimacy for the treatment of the data?
3. What information do we process?
4. For what purpose do we process the data?
5. To which recipients is the data communicated?
6. What rights does the user have in front of the data provided?
7. How do we protect the data of our users?
8. Cookies
9. Modifications
10. Applicable law

PURPOSE: Manage the sending of the information requested, as well as the correct provision of the requested services and the resolution of doubts and queries. The data will be kept as long as there is a relationship between the parties.
LEGITIMATION: Consent of the interested party.
RECIPIENTS: EGTM will not transfer user data to third parties, except when legally required or in a contractual relationship, for which the corresponding confidentiality clauses will be established and prior authorization will be requested from the user.
RIGHTS: Access, rectify and delete the data, as well as oppose the treatment and other rights that are explained in section 6 (

1. Who is responsible for data processing?
This is the relevant information of the Person Responsible for the Treatment of personal data that is processed and provided by users:

Home: C / Balmes 188, 6º 2ª 08006 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: 34 934 676 418

2. What is the legitimacy for the treatment of the data?
The legal basis for data processing is the execution of the form on the EGTM website (section of "Contact"). This form is carried out by the interested party and with it he gives his full consent for the treatment of his personal data.

3. What information do we process?
The information that we receive from users, which will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, is collected as explained below.
a) Information that users provide us directly: EGTM collects and stores certain information that the user enters on the EGTM website or that is provided in any other way.
Information request: The information that the user provides us when he requires information on the EGTM website (section "Contact us"). That is, name, email, phone.
Data quality: The user must guarantee, both against EGTM and against third parties, the quality of the information and personal data provided through the EGTM website. This implies that all the personal data and information provided must be real, truthful, updated and belong to the user and not to third parties. In the event that they belong to third parties, we understand that it is through their consent and we request that said third party be invited to know our legal texts as soon as possible.
Data modification: The user must notify EGTM of any modification that occurs in the personal data provided, responding in any case to the veracity and accuracy of the data provided at all times.
b) Information that users provide us indirectly:
Data derived from the use of the web: EGTM collects the data derived from the use of the Web by the user each time the user interacts with the Web.
Data derived from "cookies": EGTM uses cookies to facilitate navigation to its users.

4. For what purpose do we process the data?
Provision of services: For those services or information that the user requests through the contact form on the EGTM website.
Operational communication of the service: We may use the personal data that the user provides us to make communications via email about the operation of the service.
Transmission of data to third parties (exceptions)
• In case it is strictly necessary for the requested services, in the event that EGTM collaborates with third parties.
• When EGTM has express and unequivocal authorization from the user.
• When requested by the competent authority in the exercise of its functions (to investigate, prevent or take actions related to illegal actions).
• If required by regulations.
Territory:The service performed by EGTM is carried out from Spain.
How long will we keep the data?
EGTM will keep the user's personal data for the time necessary to: comply with any of the objectives mentioned in this Privacy Policy, comply with current legislation, regulatory requirements and relevant orders of competent courts.

5. To which recipients is the data communicated?
As indicated in the previous section, the personal data that EGTM collects will be exclusively used to achieve the object defined on the EGTM website. In order to achieve this objective and the correct provision of the EGTM service, it may share certain personal data of users:
- Upon legal requirement, EGTM may share information with executive authorities and / or third parties with respect to requests for information regarding criminal investigations and alleged illegal activities.
- With the consent of the user: apart from what is established above, the user will be informed in the event that any information about the same is made known to the commercial partners of the web, or with third parties, other than those purposes set out on the EGTM website (eg for commercial purposes), so that you have the opportunity to decide not to share your information. None of the above data communications will include selling, renting, sharing or otherwise disclosing personal information of clients for commercial purposes contrary to the commitments made in this Privacy Policy.

6. What rights does the user have in front of the data provided?
The user may exercise before EGTM the following rights:
- Right to request access to personal data related to the interested party.
- Right to request its rectification (inaccurate data) or deletion (when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected).
- Right to request the limitation of their treatment, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.
- Right to object to the treatment EGTM will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.
The exercise of the aforementioned rights is very personal, so it will be necessary for the user to prove their identity.
To exercise the aforementioned rights provided by law, the user can contact EGTM through the email or by writing to the address stated in section 1 of this Policy. The communication will contain the following data and documents:
- Name and surname of the interested party, attaching a photocopy of the DNI or other valid document that identifies him and, where appropriate, of the person representing him; The use of electronic signature will exempt from the presentation of these documents.
- Indication of the interested party's address and request in which the request is specified (the right to be exercised).
The user will also have the right to file a claim with the corresponding Spanish Data Protection Agency / Control Authority (, when they consider it appropriate.

7. How do we protect the data of our users?
EGTM informs the user that it has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures required by current Data Protection regulations to guarantee the security of your data, in order to avoid unauthorized alteration, loss, access or treatment of the themselves.
As mentioned, the personal data provided by users through the EGTM website will not be transferred to other entities or companies to be used for their own purposes. However, some companies subcontracted by EGTM may have access to personal data and personal information, always under the exclusive control of EGTM, for the sole purpose of providing a service necessary for the proper functioning of the EGTM website.

8. Cookies
EGTM informs you that you have cookies installed on your systems. Cookies are small text files that the browser stores inside your computer's hard drive. By accessing the EGTM website, the server will be able to recognize the cookie and provide information about your last visit, improving or facilitating the browsing experience. You can find more information about this in our Cookies Policy (
Most browsers allow the use of cookies automatically, but you can configure your browser to be warned on the screen of your computer about the reception of cookies and, thus, prevent their installation on your hard drive.

9. Modifications
EGTM reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy in accordance with the applicable legislation at any time. Therefore, it is recommended that the user periodically review this Privacy Policy in order to be informed of the treatment and protection of personal data, as well as their rights.

10. Applicable law
This Policy will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation, as well as the resolution of any controversy or divergence related to this website. The use of the services of this website implies the express acceptance of the Spanish jurisdiction.

Date of last update: October 2019
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